Kilburn Expression Sessions

MCCSA is running weekly “Expression Sessions” program at the Kilburn Community Centre for high school aged participants from CALD backgrounds at risk of disengaging from school and community. These sessions use expressive arts to engage and connect young people to positive life influences, including the local community. Anti-social activities, poor local relationships, poor outcomes have been identified as issues for young people in this region.

The program will run for a full school year and use digital technology, visual art, spoken word poetry and traditional fashion as way to engage and inspire at risk youth. A youth leadership group also helps to steer the project and prepare a final community event to promote everyone’s achievements.

The program includes visiting mentors – a diverse range of visitors from both within the participant’s community and local community, including SAPOL, that engage regularly with the young people. They will connect in a relaxed environment and be living examples of positive influence.

Participants engaging with the program will enhance their own wellbeing and resilience by:

  • Using thoughts, feelings and emotions to express their talents,
  • Improved understanding of ‘self’ and ‘place’ leading to a greater sense of inclusion in community
  • Experiencing personal success, sparking enthusiasm and confidence,
  • Increasing positive influences and social grouping – cross culturally
  • Connecting with consistent peer/ role models from diverse age groups and backgrounds including community role models, and SAPOL staff
  • Decreasing negative social influences by providing regular activities and a structured framework for redirecting participants towards positive behaviours
  • Increase positive interactions with SAPOL before any negative interactions occur – shifting perception of law enforcement.

For further information about this program please contact Megan Hill on 8213 4605.