Kick starting Childhood Success
Kick starting Childhood Success is a multicultural information and mentoring project designed to support culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Women to fully appreciate the value of early childhood services directed at education, health, and family wellbeing.
It supports them in accessing a range of appropriate services based on their family needs. Along with sustained outcomes for children, mothers will be supported to make positive choices in their family life in a safe, child-focused framework.
The pilot project worked with two groups of Mothers, one group from a Middle Eastern background, and one from Korean background. Knowing that CALD women have a range of wider needs (e.g. employment barrier, English, DV, education), the opportunity to address some of these and refer around them were built into the program.
Participant outcomes from this project
- Meet and develop relationships with peers from within their community in a safe space.
- Gain understanding of the learning, health, and development opportunities for their children through local Childhood services
- Build knowledge and trust of these early childhood systems that will increase their confidence and engagement with them.
- Opportunity to provide direct input how these services may work better with their communities.
- A greater understanding of some of the contemporary issues around raising children in Australia
The program was externally evaluated to help identify future needs for women and children in this area.
As an initial response to this program, MCCSA established two playgroups to assist in building relationships with peers and provide a platform for further engagement with early childhood services
For further information around this project or multicultural playgroups please contact Kristin Johansson or Lena Gasparyan on 8345 5266.