Community Engagement
Forums and Workshops
Every year MCCSA holds forums or workshops on issues of interest to South Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse community.
Some examples include:
- Age friendly roundtable with Dr Alexandre Kalache, former thinker in residence in conjunction with Active Ageing Australia and Office for the Ageing
- CALD Community Leaders Forum in collaboration with the Health Performance Council of SA
- SA Water consultation
- Transport Forum
- Aged care Service Provision
- An evening with the Human Rights Commissioner on Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act.
- South Australia Law reform institute roundtable
Some of our forums and workshops are invitation only and some are open to anyone who is interested. If you would like to be on a mailing list for future forums and workshops and you are not a member of MCCSA please forward your details to [email protected].
Various events are also advertised on our website and Facebook page so check these out regularly if you are interested in being part of our multicultural community events.