Communicate more effectively with people from all cultural backgrounds
Build intercultural relationships based on mutual respect and equality
Improve organisational management and service delivery
About culturalQ
culturalQ was created in response to the many enquiries MCCSA has received over the years about intercultural communication training. Enquirers were directed to existing providers including Robert Bean Intercultural. Responding to this emerging community need MCCSA has developed a training unit. After 40 years in this field, Robert Bean collaborated with MCCSA in developing this new service, transferring his intellectual property and continuing the facilitators’ professional development and mentoring. Their excellent workshop results since then speak for themselves and Robert is still assisting with the growth of the service.
culturalQ Services
In support of our core aims of empowering individuals and supporting and strengthening community engagement and growth, MCCSA provides training and development services in Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Cultural Competence.
Cultural Intelligence (CQ)
The Personal
An individual’s ability to understand their own and other cultures and to interact and work fairly and effectively in all situations characterised by cultural diversity.
Cultural Competence
The Organisational
An organisation’s ability to ensure inclusive, equitable, and effective provision of services and products relies on culturally intelligent individuals. Simultaneously, it aims to foster a workplace where all employees are respected, included, and provided with equal opportunities to grow and contribute to organisational success.
MCCSA has facilitated highly rated
workshops for numerous clients including;
- South Australian Tourism Commission
- Independent Commission Against Corruption SA (ICAC)
- City of Charles Sturt
- Department of Human Services
- Department of Infrastructure and Transport
- Disability Rights Advocacy Service Inc.
- Volunteering SANT
- Adelaide Primary Health Network
- The University of Adelaide
Contact Us
culturalQ Coordinator
Hanaa Grave
E: [email protected]
P: (08) 8213 4611
MCCSA Programs Manager
Julie Hoare
E: [email protected]
P: (08) 8213 4611