Ageing Well in CALD Communities

Ageing Well in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities project is a collaborative project between the Multicultural Communities Council of SA (MCCSA) and Office for Ageing Well.

This project started in 2017 as Knowing Your Rights using the ‘Knowing Your Rights’ publication as the cornerstone before it evolved to the current program. The publication can be accessed here

The core aim of this project is to work on stereotypes and attitudes towards older people, to raise awareness about seniors’ rights and link them to safeguards and services so they can live a safe, healthy and independent life.

MCCSA has  worked with twenty-one organisations speaking twenty languages. Our past participants included two Greek, two Italian, Polish, German, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Vietnamese, Croatian, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Bosnian, Latvian, Russian, Serbian, Filipino and Arabic (Maronite) speakers.

The 2022 cohort include Korean, Indonesian, Arabic (Coptic) and Spanish speaking communities.

The MCCSA is working towards helping older South Australians from CALD backgrounds to become more resilient and communities to become more innovative, inclusive and accepting of people of all ages.

To keep our members up to date and well informed with industry changes and news, MCCSA coordinates CALD Ageing Well Network. The meetings also support mainstream agencies in understanding CALD specific issues around rights and meeting CALD consumer needs.

If you would like to find out more about this project or if you think this project can benefit your community please contact the project Coordinator Ms Lena Gasparyan on 8213 4606 or via email [email protected]

MCCSA gratefully acknowledges Office for Ageing Well, SA Health’s funding of this project.