Men’s Health Week Forum 2021
Multicultural Men’s group of SA hosted a Men’s Health Week forum over the weekend Saturday 19 June 2021 at 19 On Green Community Centre.
The turn out to the event was great and we appreciate all the support from the men’s group team. We’ll also like to thank our guest speakers the The Hon. John Dawkins MLC, Professor Gary Wittert from the University of Adelaide, Councilor Paul Alexander from City of Charles Sturt representing Mayor Angela Evans and Zak Gadalla from Pharmasave pharmacy on King William St.
The forum was also attended by the Hon Zoe Bettison MP (Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs), Mr Ahmed Zreika from the South Australian Multicultural and Ethnic Affairs Commission (SAMEAC), Eduardo Donoso (Latin American Society South Australia) and other leading & prominent community leaders from various organizations.
Over forty people from diverse cultural background attended the forum which mainly focused on the importance of men doing regular health checkups and addressing health related issues ahead of time before they become problematic and lead to more severe outcomes.
Some of the issues raised during the forum were mainly on parenting challenges, language barrier and how it affects CALD men in addressing mental health issues and the pressure of being considered the sole provider in the family.
The Multicultural Men’s group thanks all those who made the evening possible, including: Rob Klose, Kudzai Nyamande, Isaac Zangre, Sidique Bah Ukash Ahmed, Eduardo Donoso, Mohamed Safi, Samuel Williams, Kishor Chand and Nasir Hussain who spoke about “The Benefit of Social Connections” on behalf of the men’s group.
A big thank you to all the men who participated in this event. Men’s Health Week is about health impacts on men and how we create positive environments for men in our communities.
For more information about Multicultural Men’s Group of SA & our upcoming programs and activities, Please send an email to [email protected]