MCCSA wishes to congratulate our Project Officer Youth Engagement Ukash Ahmed and the other 15 appointees to the role of Carer Representative on the CALD Mental Health Consumer and Carer Group set up by The National Multicultural Mental Health Project Alliance in collaboration with the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia (FECCA).
Encouraging and promoting dialogue within the CALD community is vital to raising awareness and pursuing positive outcome for mental health related issue amongst our migrant community.
Ukash is passionate about the challenges of Mental Health in CALD Communities, including his own African Communities. He has voluntarily and professionally been working on breaking down stigma, supporting and building capacity of communities and individuals in understanding Mental health challenges through his active involvement in the Multicultural Communities Council of SA Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project, funded by SA Health and his role as an executive member of the Every Life Matters Salisbury Suicide Prevention Network.
Along with, and, supporting those experiencing mental health effects in his own community and through his role at MCCSA working with young people we believe that Ukash will bring a wealth of experience to this new role and MCCSA will support him in any way we can in his endeavors.