• Refrain from any form of conduct which may cause any reasonable person offence or embarrassment
• Observe the highest standards of honesty and integrity
• Be conscientious in the performance of your driving duties
• Exercise courtesy, care and sensitivity when dealing with passengers, fellow drivers and work colleagues
• Exercise discretion in an emergency, but on no account leave passengers unsupervised in such a situation
• Only transport people who have been referred to you by the Transport Coordinator
• Do not drive in bare feet, thongs or similar footwear, or high heeled shoes
• Wear neat casual dress
• Do not take any drug likely to impair your driving performance (please discuss any concerns you have regarding prescribed medication with the Transport Coordinator)
• Do not smoke while transporting clients in any vehicle
• Satisfy a zero – blood alcohol reading at all times when driving as a volunteer
• Do not wear headphones, earmuffs or use a handheld phone while driving as a volunteer
• Contact the Transport Coordinator if: you have any problems which you cannot resolve whilst on bookings; you have any other issues related to your ability to perform your duties or any other matter relating to your role within MCCSA – 0481 948 728 or
[email protected]